Cain And Abel Bible Games

Two brothers story dealing with anger furious fables cain and abel level k.
Cain and abel bible games. See more ideas about cain and abel sunday school crafts bible for kids. She said with the help of the lord i have brought forth a man 2 later she gave birth to his brother abel. These cain and abel bible activities for children will help kids see how sin leads to sadness and separation from god. Cain became a farmer and abel became a shepherd.
The name cain comes from a hebrew word meaning make or get. Here that word is translated brought forth. Students will read the story analyze the character of each brother compare and contrast the two brothers identify three of god s attributes as evidenced. 4 and abel also brought an offering fat portions from.
Now abel kept flocks and cain worked the soil. Cain s sin resulted in separation from god. Adam and eve followed god s instructions to multiply and fill the earth when first cain and then abel were born. According to genesis 4 when god found abel s sacrifice acceptable but rejected cain s sacrifice cain became angry and killed abel his brother.
For today s extra project i created a file folder game ffg. Cain abel book of genesis bible games activities for kids. A perfect compliment to your sunday school classroom. This pack is a study of the account of cain and abel from genesis 4 1 16.
Children sunday school lessons for genesis 1 11. The story of cain s murder of abel and its consequences is told in genesis 4 1 18 translation and notes from robert alter the five books of moses 1 and the human knew eve his woman and she conceived and bore cain and she said i have got me a man with the lord 2 and she bore as well his brother abel and abel became a herder of sheep while cain was a tiller of the soil. You can get this cain and abel children s sunday school lesson for your kindle app or in bound book form in my book created. 3 in the course of time cain brought some of the fruits of the soil as an offering to the lord.
See more ideas about cain and abel bible crafts sunday school crafts. God we thank you for this story about cain and abel. Today s bible lesson is cain and abel. Because i want to reinforce doing what is right and what god wants not what we want i created the game cards for the player to move forward if it is the right thing to do or move backward if it is the wrong choice.
1 adam made love to his wife eve and she became pregnant and gave birth to cain.